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Crowdfunding and the non-profit: Why it’s a Good Way to Raise Funds

Non-profit entities financial gains are often used for a higher or nobler cause, and not necessarily for the financial benefit of the owners. Crowdfunding enables non-profit organizations to streamline costs. It is considerably more cost effective than elaborate marketing campaigns, and is good at targeting those who are more interested in donating. The ability to move fundraising onto a platform online offers non-profit organizations with numerous opportunities to connect with a wide range of persons across demographic and geographical borders.

The use of crowdfunding reduces administration costs and provides further reach in the type of projects non-profits are able to run. In many cases, entities are restricted where funding projects are concerned. However, due to the reach of online crowdfunding, more can be done relating to the scope of projects. Donors to crowdfunding projects are kept informed on the progress of projects and can actually see where there donations are going. This allows for greater transparency.

In order to ensure crowdfunding success however, the projects must be done with accompanying traditional marketing initiatives such as spreading the word about the organization’s crowdfunding site and using other social media platforms. Creating a buzz is essential to successful crowdfunding campaigns. This buzz is most effectively done online via social media. It is imperative that the metrics for the organization’s social media pages be high (Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest). These social media tactics can snowball into non-profits exceeding their targets, due to their growing expansive network.

Other tips for successful crowdfunding campaigns include:

1. Asking for help from as many persons as possible to spread the word about your campaign.
2. Set realistic financial objectives for crowdfunding campaigns.
3. Ensure that your message and campaign purpose are clear.
4. Shoot an interesting professional video that your online network would want to share with persons in their own network.

Support donordrive4dorothy crowdfunding campaign, and spread the message through your network.

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